As the name might suggest, Bible by Mail‘s mission is to share biblical education at a distance by correspondence. The main audience for this ministry are incarcerated prisoners—and by referral, their spouses
Originally intended to serve the general public, including overseas participants, the scope of service has been narrowed to primarily state and county prison inmates. The Master’s series lesson material is purchased from World Bible School and supplementary tracts from Mission Printing of Arlington, TX. Lesson materials are provided in both English and Spanish and furnished free of cost to interested inmates.
The primary cost of this ministry is, of course, postage. Although technology continues to make great advances, inmates usually have limited access to technologies such as the internet. They do not have access to devices that would allow them to access World Bible School courses online. That is why this ministry remains a fundamental way of sharing the Gospel with those experiencing incarceration and their families.
This ministry has operated since early 2000’s and relies on volunteers to administer and evaluate student lesson responses. Hundreds of inmates have successfully completed and graduated from the course, which has changed and improved numerous lives.