Crestview is a large community made up of families and individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds. With such a large community, it is no surprise that our members and their families will periodically experience temporary financial need or need some sort of non–recurring assistance. Tragedies, accidents, and other unforeseen life–changing events are realities of living in this world. We are all only a moment away from being in need, and Crestview tries not to shy away from this reality nor stigmatize needing help. Serving one another in times of need is one of the many reasons Christ has called us into community; when we are able, we offer help in love to our brothers and sisters in Christ so that when we are in need we may be aided in love.
Our Family Care Ministry is a discrete ministry that works behind the scenes when our members experience these difficult and common times. Limited financial help is sometimes available as well as scholarships for counseling services to help deal with longer term needs andcircumstances.