The Crestview Children’s Ministry strives to partner with parents in teaching our children to know, love, and follow Jesus. The children’s ministry works to provide opportunities for the children to build strong relationships with each other in a safe and loving environment. We also want to help our children develop the heart of a servant toward each other and the community.

Upcoming Events
3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Retreat
“Encounters with Jesus”
Saturday, April 12-Sunday, April 13, 2025
Glen Lake Retreat Center, Glen Rose, Texas
Cost: $65
Crestview Summer Camp (4th-6th Grades)
Monday, July 21-Thursday, July 24, 2025
Bastrop State Park Group Lodging
Cost: $100 includes lodging, food, t-shirt, and transportation
Sunday Morning
Bible Class
Bible classes are currently available for all ages. Bible classes begin at 9:00 a.m. and provide a great opportunity for the children to learn more about the Bible and how God wants them to live. Classrooms for six weeks through 4 years are located on the lower level of the main building. Classes for kindergarten through sixth grade are on the upper level of the main building.
Children’s Worship
During worship on Sundays, all children ages 3 years old through Kindergarten are invited to participate in their own time of worship! Children remain with their families and friends in the Worship Center until our time for the Message and Communion. Just prior to the sermon, children ages 3 through Kindergarten are welcomed to Children’s Worship.
Worship Nursery
A nursery for children one through age three is available during worship.
Sunday Evening
Children meet with their parents’ life group.
Wednesday Evening
Our Wednesday night children’s classes are meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Infants – Kindergarten: Main Building, First Floor Classrooms
Elementary – Intermediate: Main Building, Second Floor Classrooms
On Wednesday nights during the summer, our children’s classes will study “Finding Jesus” in June and then “Bible Olympics” in July and August. Promotion Sunday is on August 4, 2024.
The children’s ministry at Crestview is a great place to serve. Crestview is blessed with women and men who give their time and effort to spread the love of Jesus and teach our children.
If you would like to join our team of volunteers, please contact Dayna Bell for more information. Please note that all volunteers are required to have a background check.
For more information about Crestview’s Children’s Ministry contact or complete the following form: