Since Fall 2016, we have been on a journey through the important, foundational ideas of gospel, kingdom, kingship, and new creation through the Scriptures. While we have applied these theological frameworks to everyday life, the emphasis has been on letting the larger vision take shape within the Crestview family. In this study, we will look at 10 New Testament letters and revisit the Sermon on the Mount with a focus on how theology informs “living a life of love” (Ephesians 5.1-2) both in and for the world. In other words, having a clearer picture who God is in Jesus Christ, how then shall we live?
As we continue to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic in a way that protects the most vulnerable in our community, we will hold one in-person class that will be available by reservation only. This class will be live-streamed through Crestview’s Facebook page to those who are electing to continue to worship at home or cannot secure a reservation.
Dates | Theme | Facilitator |
August 30 | Series Transition & Introduction | Carl Flynn |
September 6 & 13 | Romans [Week 1 | Week 2] | Carl Flynn |
September 20 & 27 | Galatians [Week 1 | Week 2] | Dwayne Simmons |
October 4 & 11 | Ephesians [Week 1 | Week 2 ] | Tim Bell |
October 18 & 25 | Philippians [Week 1 | Week 2] | Larry Williams |
November 1 & 8 | Colossians [Week 1 | Week 2] | Chuck Donley |
November 15 & 22 | 1 Thessalonians [Week 1 | Week 2] | Mark Henry |
November 29 | Mission Waco "Biker Sunday" - No Bible Classes | |
December 6 & December 13 | Philemon [Week 1 | Week 2] | Carl Flynn & Larry Williams |
December 20 & January 3 | 1 Peter [Week 1 | Week 2] | Carl Flynn |
December 27 | No Adult Class(es) | |
January 10 & 17 | 1 John [Week 1 | Week 2] | Dwayne Simmons |
January 24 & 31 | James [Week 1 | Week 2] | Carl Flynn |
February 7 & 14 | The Beatitudes + Salt/Light (Matthew 5.1-16) [Week 1] [Week 2] | Larry Williams |
February 21 & 28 | "You Have Heard that it was said...but I say to you..." (Matthew 5.17-48)[Week 1 | Week 2] | Mark Henry |
March 7 & 14 | Matthew 6 [Week 1 | Week 2] | Bryon Barnhill & Carl Flynn |
March 21 & 28 | Matthew 7 & Series Conclusion [Week 1 | Week 2] | Dwayne Simmons & Carl Flynn |
April 4 (Easter Sunday) | Two Worship Services; No Bible Classes |
Adult Sunday Morning Bible Classes
Our Sunday Morning Adult Bible Classes currently meet in the following locations at 9:00 a.m. Central and a class session is always live-streamed on Crestview's YouTube channel. If you are not feeling well, please enjoy our online class.
• General Adult Discussion Class, Community Center, Rooms C11-C12
Facilitators: Larry Rogers, Michael Bell, Jordan Hubbard
• [Currently Not Meeting] General Adult Class (Gen B, "Boomers"), Community Center, Rooms C13-14
Facilitator: Jim Hahn
• General Adult Instructional Class, Main Building, Room 106
Facilitators: Carl Flynn, Mark Henry, Dwayne Simmons, Brent Gibson
• Growing Families, Community Center, Room C10
Facilitators: Joe Stepanski and Josh Satterfield
• Young Families, Main Building, Room 201
Facilitators: Kipp Swinney
• College & Young Professionals, Main Building, Room 200
Facilitators: Scott and Lauren Prather, Larry Williams, and Julie King
• Reality Fellowship, Community Center, Recreation Room
Facilitators: Bill Litton and Gary Praesel
Previous Sunday Morning Bible Classes
We believe that growth in Christian faith is inspired by a continuous and broad engagement with the Hebrew Bible and New Testament Scriptures. In order to remember where we have been and ensure that our vision does not become too biblically narrow, we preserve this history of our past adult education series that extends from 1994 to the present. Feel free to glean from these studies; however, we do ask that if you use resources that we have developed that you contact our Adult Education Coordinator.
Summer/Fall 2024
The Original 12: Exploring the Minor Prophets
Fall 2023/Spring 2024
The Gospel of Mark
Fall 2022/Winter 2023
Exodus: Encountering the Way-Making God
Spring/Summer 2022
The Gospel According to Matthew
Fall 2021
What is the Bible? - Getting Back to Basics
Summer 2021
Faithful: A Summer Sojourn Through the Hebrew Bible
Spring 2021
God's Gathered People: Becoming God's New Creation
Fall 2020/Winter 2021
Living a Life of Love: Being God's New Creation
Spring 2020
Walking in the Way of Jesus: Journeying from Gethsemane to Easter
Fall 2019/Spring 2020
The King Triumphant: Apocalptic & John's Revelation
Winter/Spring/Summer 2019
The Wise King: Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes
Summer/Fall 2018
Who is the King?: A Study of Samuel and Kings
Fall/Spr 2018
Inside/Out:The Church on Mission (Acts)
Sum 2017
Embodying the Gospel (Matt 5)
Spr 2017
Engaging the Gospel (Romans)
Fall 2016
Encountering the Gospel (John)
Sum 2016
Isaiah, Jeremiah & Ezekiel
Spr 2016 (I)
All Things New (2 Cor 5.17)
Fall 2015
Finding Our Way (Psalms)
Sum 2015
A Higher Calling (Matthew)
Spr 2015
IN not OF: Christian Living in a Post-Christian World
Sum 2014
The Promise of the Holy Spirit
Sum 2013
Paul's Letters from Prison
Fall 2012
Merciful Judgment (Minor Prophets)
Sum 2012
Fall/Spr 2011-2012
Living By Faith: Christian Theology, Christian Values & the Christian Life